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Oasis Overnight / Trail of Missions

This route, still part of the Baja Divide Trail, will take you to the cultural  heart of the area. Using the old roads we will get to the flourishing dates palm oasis of La Purisima where we will spend the night either at the hacienda hotel or camping after a nice swim in the river. Next day either head back home or, staying high on the mountains, we will reach the ancient towns of San José and San Miguel de Comondú where the ruins of the ancient missionary church witness the best organic sweet red wine making of all Baja, something that can't be missed! Night of camping or at the local Don Mario Hacienda Hotel.

This tour can actually be extended all the way to the famous San Javier mission dropping to the Sea of Cortez side where we would lodge in some lovely local Cabañas and actually become a real Trail Of Missions expedition finishing in the lovely tourist beach village of Loreto enjoying a nice hotel stay and local restaurants. Riders and bikes will be taken back home on our truck at the end of the trip or be ready to board their flight home.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-09-28 a la(s) 11.19.37.png

DISTANCE: 100-170KM aprox. / 1,5-4d

CLIMBING: medium/hard

TERRAIN: rocks, gravel, sand, fresh water crossing

SLEEPING: Camping or Inn-to Inn in local haciendas hotels

Captura de Pantalla 2023-09-28 a la(s) 11.20.19.png


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